Your Road to Wellness: Stephanie Davis Smith

Image of Stephanie Davis Smith courtesy of Kenny Chen

Image of Stephanie Davis Smith courtesy of Kenny Chen

Wellness is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. We all approach it differently. And I think we can all benefit from hearing one another’s stories and strategies. 

The “Your Road to Wellness” feature highlights people from all walks of life and their thoughts on wellness. (Would you like to be featured or know of someone who would be a good fit? Let me know!)

This week, let’s catch up with Stephanie Davis Smith, director of marketing at N2 Publishing, and founder of one of my new favorite blogs: Two-Sided Southern

Q: Who is your wellness inspiration? 

This is tough, because I’d pick someone like Oprah or Marianne Williamson who are focused on the mental/spiritual wellness journey. But, I think they incorporate a lot of nutrition and physicality into their messages. Tabitha Brown is giving out great vibes about the power of eating plants and taking care of yourself. I am loving her right now.

Q: What is one piece of advice you’d give your younger self about wellness?  

Take care of your body — especially when it comes to flexibility and being limber. I’m trying to incorporate stretching into my days, but I often forget. These days, I can feel how inflexible I am when I lean over for things or if my lower back hurts after standing at the playground for a couple hours. 

Q: What do you typically do for exercise? 

I run and walk. I try to walk at least five days a week. But, in my younger days, I used to run marathons and half marathons. So, most of my walks turn into at least a one-mile jog. Sometimes, I’ll even push to two miles. I’m hoping to get back to a 5k soon. Having a 2-year-old slowed me down a bit. I’m just coming back to it all. 

Q: What do you consider your greatest wellness indulgence and why? 

Meditation. As a busy working mom and wife, I can feel guilty for spending time by myself and on myself. But, daily meditation is a must and helps control those monkey voices in my head. 

Q: What is your greatest self-care/wellness challenge, and how do you deal with it? 

Motivation. I know what I should be doing. However, sometimes I just like sitting or watching a movie — or wasting time scrolling on the internet. Once the motivation to get up, get moving, choose something better to eat, stop, and meditate comes, I always feel better after. 

Q: What resource (e.g., website, blog, book, etc.) do you look to for wellness/self-care and why? 

I love and used to work there in my twenties. While there, I worked for Lucy Danziger and she now has a great site, The Beet. My friend Karina Timmel Antennuci also has a great site, Bad Ass + Healthy. But, mostly I find things in mainstream culture to read or peruse. I would say Oprah is where I first heard about Omnivore’s Dilemma, OMD by Suzi Cameron, a ton of meditation gurus and loads of fitness experts.

Q: Which do you prefer — green juice or bubbly? Why? 

Green juice. I love it! So good. I don’t really love Champagne. It gives me a headache. If you’d said green juice or Sauv Blanc, my answer may have been different. But, to me, green juice tastes amazing and does good things for you. 

Q: If you received $1 million to use for your wellness/self-care, how would you spend it? 

Oh, good question! I would get weekly therapy sessions, an in-home sauna and steam room, and a weekly masseuse that comes to the house for the whole family. Oh, and a private trainer for the family, too. 

P.S. Looking for a personalized approach to your wellness experience? I’ve spent a decade working as a wellness journalist — visiting more than 50 spas from Vail to Vienna — and 20 years in the fitness industry. Let me help you plan your perfect half or full day of wellness…


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