Your Road to Wellness: Darrah Brustein

Image of Darrah Brustein, courtesy of Zac Holben

Wellness is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. We all approach it differently. And I think we can benefit from hearing one another’s stories and strategies. 

The “Your Road to Wellness” feature highlights people from all walks of life and their thoughts on wellness. (Would you like to be featured or know of someone who would be a good fit? Let me know!) This week, let’s catch up with Darrah Brustein, business and lifestyle coach.

Q: Who is your wellness inspiration? 

Dr. Deepak Chopra was always a mentor from afar whom I studied and admired. Then, he became a real-life mentor and co-host with me on our digital series.

Q: What is one piece of advice you’d give your younger self about wellness? 

Allow yourself to find things that you enjoy and can integrate into your life that don't feel like work. Blend time with friends by going on walks or to yoga. Or, enjoy off-the-beaten-path fitness options like pole dancing and acrobatic yoga.

Q: What do you typically do for exercise? 

Although I had a mom who was a competitive ballroom dancer and bodybuilder, exercise that feels like exercise usually doesn't happen for me. So I do Jillian Michael's 10-minute workouts at home, take walks, tap dance, and yoga.

Q: What do you consider your greatest wellness indulgence and why? 

I got certified in reiki and do Transcendental Meditation, among other forms. For me, wellness also means doing things that make me feel good like reading, traveling, spending time in interesting conversations, and laughing.

Q: What is your greatest self-care/wellness challenge, and how do you deal with it? 

Not wanting to work out and craving sugar. I give myself grace because I have a very healthy, 98% plant-based diet, and also know how to stay healthy even if it's not with a regular workout schedule.

Q: What resource (e.g., website, blog, book, etc.) do you look to for wellness/self-care and why? 

I use Jillian Michael's workout app because it's effective and easy to access. I read about 45 books a year, so I'm constantly taking in resources on mental wellness and spiritual well-being.

Q: Which do you prefer to drink — green juice or bubbly? Why? 

Green juice! I'm not much of a drinker — so much so that my friends are desperate to see me drunk just one time in our lives!

Q: If you received $1 million to use for your wellness/self-care, how would you spend it? 

I'd spend a good chunk of it on other people. I do a lot of work in the space of mentorship for those who are returning citizens from prison. And I know how much doing for others does for our own well-being. I'm also building a house, so I'd use some of it to pay for the wellness space that will have an infrared sauna and pool.

Whether you’re looking for a morning filled with fitness; healthy food; and an IV therapy, or an indulgent afternoon that includes a massage; pedicure; and glass of bubbly, I’m here to make your personalized wellness dream a reality.


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